Frau Dr. Nuray Aytekin, Fachärztin für Frauenheilkunde mit Schwerpunkt Reproduktionsmedizin, verstärkt ab Januar 2025 das Ärzteteam der Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik Fleetinsel. Frau Dr. Aytekin ist erfahrene Reproduktionsmedizinerin, die zuvor im Kinderwunschzentrum Hamburg-Mitte langjährig tätig gewesen ist. Wir freuen uns über die Verstärkung durch Frau Dr. Aytekin!
The German IVF Register has published annual statistics on the probability of pregnancy following IVF/ICSI treatment. A special issue with the most important key figures is available for couples to download. The Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik Fleetinsel was once again able to contribute above-average results to the DIR statistics, as in previous years.
We have joined the FertiProtekt network. The FertiPROTEKT network serves to organize and review treatment standards for fertility preservation before germ cell damaging therapy. Further information on preserving fertility before germ cell-damaging therapy can be found here.
Dear patients, after almost four decades as a practicing reproductive doctor, Dr. Semsettin Kocak sent the Kinderwunsch practice clinic Fleetinsel to PD Dr. on May 1, 2023. Handed over to Kay Neumann.
The first conversation at the Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik Fleetinsel Hamburg offers you the opportunity to find out more information without obligation and to get to know your treating doctor.
Social freezing - the desire to have children put on hold. What does social freezing mean and when does it actually make sense? We would be happy to advise you.
We take the time to answer your questions and get to the bottom of the causes of your childlessness using special diagnostic procedures and sensitivity.
We take the time to answer your questions and get to the bottom of the causes of your childlessness using special diagnostic procedures and sensitivity.
Here you can arrange appointments online and receive information about the video consultation process
years of
pioneering work in
reproductive medicine
years of
in Hamburg
reliable team of experts
in embryology and reproductive medicine