Pregnancy cannot occur unless ovulation takes place. We therefore carry out cycle monitoring to determine whether egg maturation and ovulation are proceeding normally and whether the hormones are interacting properly. To do this, blood is taken on three fixed dates during your monthly cycle to monitor hormone levels. Monitoring female hormone levels shows whether the failure to conceive is due to excessive male hormones (androgenisation) or an overactive or underactive thyroid gland, for example. An ultrasound scan and several smear tests are carried out at the second cycle monitoring appointment.
With the help of a special ultrasound exam, 3D volume sonography, we can count and measure the maturing follicles on both ovaries during ovulation monitoring. An ultrasound exam of the uterine cavity also provides information on changes in or on the uterus or fallopian tubes, possible malformations or other anatomical obstacles such as fibroids, scars or polyps.
Your reproductive medicine specialist will check the fallopian tube patency using 3D/4D hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography. This special ultrasound exam shows whether the eggs can pass into the uterus smoothly via the fallopian tubes. This dispenses with the need for surgical abdominal or uterine endoscopy, which requires an anaesthetic.
In special cases, a pollutant exposure analysis or a household screening of trace elements may also be carried out, which may provide indications of the reasons why the desire to have a child has not come to fruition.