Kinderwunschzentrum Hamburg 2024 Badge

Krebsdiagnose und zukünftiger Kinderwunsch:
Wir sind für Sie da! Vereinbaren Sie kurzfristig einen Termin.

Wir wissen, dass Zeit bei einer Krebsdiagnose oft ein entscheidender Faktor ist. Daher bieten wir Ihnen in der Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik Fleetinsel die Möglichkeit an, Termine für das sogenannte Medical Freezing innerhalb von nur drei Tagen zu vereinbaren, um sich beraten zu lassen. Dies ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Chance für eine mögliche Zukunft mit eigenen Kindern zu bewahren.

Teilen Sie uns Ihren 1. Zyklustag mit.

Liebe Patientin,

sobald wir gemeinsam besprochen haben, welche Behandlung für Sie in Frage kommt und alle bürokratischen Formalitäten erledigt sind, können Sie uns hier Ihren ersten Zyklustag mitteilen. Wir melden uns dann umgehend bei Ihnen und informieren Sie über die nächsten Schritte.

To all couples seeking fertility treatment,

At Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic, you benefit from a high level of expertise and many years of experience. We are aware that you come to us with your personal wishes, hopes and fears, which we address one-on-one and with all our expertise. Last but not least, we share in your great joy after a successful treatment. Read on for reviews from couples who have chosen to share their experiences at our clinic.

We are overjoyed

to hold our little treasure in our arms and are amazed every single day. This would not have been possible without you. Thank you for fulfilling our wish to have a child and for the heartfelt care we received at all times during the treatment. We always felt very well looked after by you. The whole team does an excellent job.

Dreamed of, hoped for and longingly anticipated

Thank you to the whole team for the supportive care we received. Especially Dr Scheuß, who always lent a listening ear for us to share our worries and fears. We are infinitely grateful that your support made our dream come true.

The most wonderful thing about miracles is that sometimes they actually happen.

Viele Jahre haben wir gehofft, wurden aber immer wieder enttäuscht. Unser langer, verzweifelter Weg hat bei Euch ein Ende gefunden Nun können wir unser kleines Wunder in den Händen halten. Wir haben uns immer sehr gut aufgehoben bei Euch gefühlt

We were so critical of going down this path of fertility treatment and are so glad that we had the courage to go for it!

It is a wonderful gift to have had this child and now to watch him grow up! We are very happy and grateful that everything worked out so well. A huge thank you to the whole team for your competent and caring support.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the nurturing care during our fertility treatment.

We always felt that we were in good hands.

Dear Fertility Clinic Team, thank you very much.

Thanks to you and your team, we were able to welcome a healthy daughter into the world. A new life is now beginning for us and our little darling is keeping us on our toes! There are no words to describe this happiness. You and your team are amazing! Keep up the great work.

All good things come to those who wait.

Thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts. Thanks to you, our family is now finally complete with our two miracles. You stood by us all along and helped us through all the difficulties.

Dear Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic team, we are delighted with our new arrival.

Many thanks for your support, especially to Dr List! We always felt that we were well advised and in good hands.

Dear Fleetinsel team, we are infinitely grateful to you for making this miracle come true.

Thank you for your supportive care, we always felt at home with you. There are no words to express our happiness and gratitude.

Dear clinic team, thanks to your help and support we can finally hold our sunshine in our arms.

Thank you very much for your excellent support during what was a difficult time for us. Your empathy and understanding made it so much easier.

Dear Fertility Clinic team, May 13th was the big day - finally, our son was born!

Without you, this miracle would not have been possible. Thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts.

Dear Fertility Clinic team, my husband and I would like to sincerely thank you

for always treating us kindly and for making something as wonderful as our son possible. Keep up the good work....

Dear Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic team, your positive, friendly and personal approach to treatment allowed us to feel hopeful and reassured throughout the whole process.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our daughter.

Dear clinic team, thank you very much for your trustworthy and competent support

in the fulfilment of our wish to have a child

Dear clinic team, many thanks to you all for your great competent and personal advice and support

We always felt that we were in the best of hands and are delighted about the birth of our daughter

Dear clinic team, less than a year ago, our most heartfelt wish still seemed a long way off. But with your help, we have recently become a family.

A big thank you for your excellent care and for always being sensitive and friendly.

Dear team, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the supportive and professional care during the treatment

Thanks to your help, our happiness is now perfect and complete.

Dear Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic, our sincerely thanks to everyone on the team

for making it possible for us to have our wonderful daughter. You’ve fulfilled our greatest wish! Thank you very much

Dear doctors, dear clinic team, our family happiness has been realised and we are so grateful to you!

Without your help, we probably would not be parents now and therefore not as happy as we are. Keep on being such a great team! We felt very comfortable with you and would go down this path with you again anytime...