Kinderwunschzentrum Hamburg 2024 Badge

Krebsdiagnose und zukünftiger Kinderwunsch:
Wir sind für Sie da! Vereinbaren Sie kurzfristig einen Termin.

Wir wissen, dass Zeit bei einer Krebsdiagnose oft ein entscheidender Faktor ist. Daher bieten wir Ihnen in der Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik Fleetinsel die Möglichkeit an, Termine für das sogenannte Medical Freezing innerhalb von nur drei Tagen zu vereinbaren, um sich beraten zu lassen. Dies ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Chance für eine mögliche Zukunft mit eigenen Kindern zu bewahren.

Teilen Sie uns Ihren 1. Zyklustag mit.

Liebe Patientin,

sobald wir gemeinsam besprochen haben, welche Behandlung für Sie in Frage kommt und alle bürokratischen Formalitäten erledigt sind, können Sie uns hier Ihren ersten Zyklustag mitteilen. Wir melden uns dann umgehend bei Ihnen und informieren Sie über die nächsten Schritte.

In certain cases, couples who wish to have a child are entitled to human genetic counselling, which helps them obtain clarity about possible genetic diseases or risks of diseases. Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic in Hamburg will refer you to qualified specialists who will advise you in detail on human genetic issues.

Whether due to an illness from which you have personally suffered, a hereditary condition in the family or for other reasons of concern, genetic diagnosis and counselling is intended to help couples who wish to have a child to answer questions regarding a possible hereditary illness or a congenital condition or developmental disorder – and to discuss the associated problems. The counselling is conducted in an open-ended manner. Thus, those seeking advice make their own decisions in relation to exam procedures or consequences.

In accordance with the guidelines for artificial insemination, the couple that wants to have a child will be informed by their doctor of the specific risks, including genetic risks, and possible malformations of the child ahead of an intracytoplasmic sperm injection. You will also be informed that you are entitled to human genetic counselling and, if necessary, testing. In the case of certain combinations of findings (e.g. family history with indications of genetic malformations or bilateral congenital obstruction of the vas deferens in men), genetic counselling will even be expressly recommended by your doctor. We will refer you to specialised human genetics specialists as necessary.

Of course, the right to human genetic counselling also applies if abnormal results are found after a genetic test. In accordance with the Embryo Protection Act (ESchG), pre-implantation genetic diagnosis can be carried out in the case of certain genetic disorders – although these are rather rare.

If you have any questions on human genetic counselling, feel free to contact us.