Kinderwunschzentrum Hamburg 2024 Badge

Krebsdiagnose und zukünftiger Kinderwunsch:
Wir sind für Sie da! Vereinbaren Sie kurzfristig einen Termin.

Wir wissen, dass Zeit bei einer Krebsdiagnose oft ein entscheidender Faktor ist. Daher bieten wir Ihnen in der Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik Fleetinsel die Möglichkeit an, Termine für das sogenannte Medical Freezing innerhalb von nur drei Tagen zu vereinbaren, um sich beraten zu lassen. Dies ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Chance für eine mögliche Zukunft mit eigenen Kindern zu bewahren.

Teilen Sie uns Ihren 1. Zyklustag mit.

Liebe Patientin,

sobald wir gemeinsam besprochen haben, welche Behandlung für Sie in Frage kommt und alle bürokratischen Formalitäten erledigt sind, können Sie uns hier Ihren ersten Zyklustag mitteilen. Wir melden uns dann umgehend bei Ihnen und informieren Sie über die nächsten Schritte.

At Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic in Hamburg, we concentrate entirely on the full spectrum of fertility treatment and intentionally refrain from carrying out pre-implantation and polar body diagnostics.
Should you wish to have Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) carried out due to a special indication, we will refer you to specialised approved centres.


With the help of PGD, embryos created through In-Vitro Fertilisation can be tested for genetic defects – before implantation in the uterus.

The use of PGD is permitted to a limited extent in Germany and is regulated in Section 3a of the Embryo Protection Act (ESchG). Accordingly, PGD is permitted if one or both parents have a predisposition to a serious hereditary disease or if there is a risk of stillbirth or miscarriage due to serious genetic damage. The procedure is subject to strict controls and may only be carried out in approved centres.

If you have any questions on PGD or are known to be at risk of inheriting a serious disease, please speak to your doctor.


Polar Body Diagnosis (PBD) is a procedure that is not yet fully developed and allows for the analysis of genetic abnormalities in the egg cell that are inherited from the mother.

PBD is permitted and is used before an embryo has been created in accordance with the Embryo Protection Act. The polar bodies of the egg cell are analysed for possible genetic abnormalities in the genetic material in order to prevent a serious disease from being inherited from the mother. It may also be used to select only healthy egg cells for use in embryo transfer.

It is hoped that the targeted selection of healthy egg cells, particularly in women over 35, will increase the probability of pregnancy after In-Vitro Fertilisation and reduce the likelihood of miscarriage. However, this has not been scientifically proven to date. After two years of using PBD at Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic Hamburg, it has been shown that the use of this method does not increase the live birth rate. Therefore, we no longer offer PBD at present.

The actual benefit of polar body diagnostics has not yet been proven. The method is still being scientifically researched.