If a pregnancy has not occurred after one to two years despite unprotected and regular sexual intercourse, this is referred to as infertility or sterility. In this case, it makes sense to undergo an exam in order to identify possible causes of your infertility in good time. At Fleetinsel Fertility Clinic in Hamburg, couples receive a reliable and accurate diagnosis. If infertility is confirmed in one or both partners, you can take your time to decide whether fertility treatment is an option for you. More on this topic under Unfulfilled desire to have a child.
Getting pregnant and the course of a pregnancy are subject to many influencing factors. While these steps may not necessarily resolve infertility, they can significantly increase your chances of a successful fertility treatment. More on this topic under Tips for increasing your chances of conceiving.
Unfortunately, there is no precise answer to this question. To find out why this is the case, what clues are nevertheless available and who can make the best assessment, see
Unfortunately, there is no precise answer to this question. To find out why this is the case, what clues are nevertheless available and who can make the best assessment, see
What are our chances of having a child?
We explain the individual steps of IVF or ICSI treatment in detail under In-Vitro Fertilisation.
In consultation with your doctor, you decide how many embryos are transferred into the uterus in the context of the legal framework. In general, the transfer of three embryos is permitted in Germany. A special regulation of the Medical Association applies in Hamburg: in order to avoid multiple pregnancies, a maximum of two embryos may be transferred in women up to age 34 and a maximum of three embryos in women aged 35 and over. We agree with this decision. The reason is that up to age 35, transferring three embryos does not increase the chance of pregnancy. What does increase, however, is the risk of a multiple pregnancy, which poses considerable health risks for the mother and children. From age 35 upwards, we will hold a detailed consultation with you to discuss whether three embryos should be used in your individual case.
Natural fertilisation and artificial insemination both carry a risk of miscarriage. Approximately 16 percent of pregnancies resulting from IVF nationwide end in miscarriage. This rate is slightly elevated compared to pregnancies that occur naturally and end prematurely. However, this is not least due to the fact that fertility patients tend to be older when they get pregnant, which naturally increases the risk of miscarriage.
Depending on the woman’s age and the number of embryos used, the risk of a multiple pregnancy increases with IVF. We therefore recommend that patients under age 35 have one or a maximum of two embryos transferred. Nevertheless, the probability of a twin pregnancy is increased in all age groups after artificial insemination and is between 16 and 18 per cent. Even if only one embryo is returned, a monozygotic twin pregnancy may develop. The probability of a triplet pregnancy is three to four per cent.
Multiple pregnancies carry higher risks for mother and child than single pregnancies and end in premature birth more often. Therefore, in addition to the national law, which generally permits the transfer of a maximum of three embryos, a special regulation of the Medical Association applies in Hamburg: in order to avoid multiple pregnancies, a maximum of two embryos may be transferred in women under 35 and a maximum of three embryos in women aged 35 and over.